
Havoc (2010)
Havoc is the closing half of the duology that began with Malice. The original story was just too long for one book. The second half tells of Seth’s attempts to return to the world of Malice, where he left Kady and Justin at the end of the first instalment. But Tall Jake’s plans are bigger than they first suspected, and even the real world isn’t safe any more…
For those who were kind of miffed at the cliffhanger ending of Malice, Havoc is your thank-you for being patient. It’s bigger in scale and scope and shows the reader a lot more of the world of Malice and the truth behind Tall Jake’s plans and operations. And there’s no cliffhanger at the end of this one, just a big ending with lots of explosions and stuff, because that’s what we like 😉