Yes, I’ve been away for a long while, haven’t I? First it was Japan & China (and blessedly off the Internet for most of it) and then when I came back I began furiously working oooooon….
Can’t tell you.
Yeah, yeah, sorry. This is more a post to let you know I’m still alive than one with any real news. Basically I’ve been squirrelling away at some TV & film work, but due to the nature of that industry I can’t talk about it, because
a) I’m not supposed to, and
b) even the most sure-thing projects don’t make it to the screen sometimes.
But anyway, it’s all very cool. Trust me on this. Basically, after I finished The Ace of Skulls I decided to take a break from prose work for a while as I was feeling pretty burned out with book writing and fantasy/SF in general. Since then I’ve been much more occupied with doing work for the screen, and it’s been a lot of fun so far, but that industry moves very slowly so I’ll let you know when or if anything gets nailed down. As to books, I don’t have anything in the pipe at the moment, so enjoy Ace of Skulls, as it’ll be your last from me for a little while. In the meantime I’ll reconsider, regroup, plot and plan and decide what kind of book I want to write next.
Speaking of The Ace of Skulls, it’s all done and ready for its 19th September release. Check out the cover. Pretty!
People have been asking about the Broken Sky ebooks too. I’ve been looking at ways to get them done that won’t require a ton of work of my part, but long story short, the editing is taking more time than I have and it was destroying my soul. Maybe I should have just released them as they were, but having polished up half the series it’s hard to leave the rest undone, and even unpolished, self-publishing ebooks is a pain and if I’m going to do it I want to do it properly, not by releasing some badly formatted version with a crappy generic cover on. So, anyway, it’s unfortunately on hold for the moment and I’ll come back to it when I have time (or a personal assistant). Apologies to those who are waiting for it: I should have looked into it more thoroughly before I announced it in the first place.
Also, if you haven’t bought Silver yet, what are you waiting for, eh? You need something to tide you over till 19th Sept!